Giving Compass' Take:

· As summer comes to an end and school starts back up, Education Dive suggests that teachers focus on building bonds with students to increase engagement, success, and emotional wellbeing.

· How can teachers approach students as whole beings rather than just a brain to teach? What is the best way to build a relationship with students?

· Read more on the importance of student-teacher relationships.

While the benefits of classroom teachers forging strong bonds with students are many, less attention is given to principals and superintendents making those types of connections. But certainly, today's schools are complex environments, and every player has a role in student outcomes. School leaders, though, are too often either segregated from the daily lives of students or looked upon as those who dish out consequences and, thus, best avoided.

But there are ways that principals and even superintendents can better serve students by making themselves more visible and more "human," rather than a distant authority figure.

Read the full article about building bonds with students by Christina Vercelletto at Education Dive.