Complex, uncertain and volatile. These words only begin to describe our world today. The pandemic flipped lives upside down, compromising the physical health of over six million people—disproportionately Black, Indigenous and People of Color—and the mental and emotional health of countless more. The urgent calls for racial justice require all of us reflect on our core values and identify ways we can help dismantle systemic racism.

The truth is there is no relief in sight to the complexity, uncertainty, and volatility we all face. And when you look at the long-term trends, opportunities, and challenges driving change, one thing is certain: if we don’t collectively explore what is on the horizon for health and well-being, we risk locking in—or worsening—existing inequities for generations to come.

Foresight, defined as gaining insight by exploring what might happen or be needed in the future, is needed now more than ever. FORESIGHT is also the name for a partnership of 17 philanthropies that is catalyzing a vision for the future of health and well-being centered on two things:

  • the game-changing trends, challenges, and opportunities on the horizon; and
  • the aspirations of a diversity of communities throughout the U.S.

FORESIGHT asked upward of 8,000 people around the country, with a focus on people from marginalized communities, about their hopes for the future. Centering diverse community voices in any work fundamentally shifts the focus from doing something to or for others, to doing it with others, bringing grantmakers and communities together as allied change agents.  While FORESIGHT is still in progress, several key insights have emerged that have broad implications for philanthropy. These include:

  • Partner with community members to imagine the future.
  • Support communities to act on their ideas.
  • Commit to listening, learning, and doing better.
  • Nurture peoples’ ability to imagine the future.

Read the full article about building an equitable future in healthcare by Debbie Chang and Laura Landy Grantmakers In Health.