Candid’s Insights team seeks to leverage the data we collect to increase knowledge about the scope, equity, economics, and impact of the social sector. One of our major research initiatives over the last two years has focused on Black experiences and Black leadership.

We knew we couldn’t do this research alone and have been thrilled to partner with ABFE—an organization with 50-plus years of organizing, advocating, and strategizing on behalf of Black people inside and outside philanthropy. Additionally, we formed an external expert advisory group to help guide our efforts—including Black scholars from academia, grassroots nonprofits, philanthropy, and leadership development. They provide feedback and guidance on research direction and interpretation of analyses to ensure that what we produce is meaningful, additive, and actionable.

For our first publication, ABFE and Candid decided to focus on a specific aspect of Black leadership—historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). These higher education institutions have played a vital role in educating Black people, developing Black leaders, and addressing inequality in the United States. In May 2023, we released Philanthropy and HBCUs: Foundation funding to historically Black colleges and universitiesThis was the first comprehensive analysis of private philanthropy to HBCUs.

With nearly 20 years of data about U.S. foundation grants, our research documented a pattern of disinvestment in HBCUs. From 2002 to 2019, although foundations increased their total giving by 124%, funding to HBCUs declined by 30%.

Candid and ABFE have begun our next exploration of Black-led organizations. Multiple reports suggest that Black-led nonprofits are underfunded. But just how pervasive and extreme is this funding gap? And do factors such as board demographics or Black population served play a role? Stay tuned for our report coming out later this year.

Read the full article about Black experiences in the social sector by Cathleen Clerkin, Ph.D. and Grace Sato at Candid.