Giving Compass' Take:

• Kevin Mahnken reports that researchers found that children from low-income families spend 40 percent longer than middle-income children looking at screens and approximately double the time compared to children from affluent backgrounds. 

How can funders work to help low-income children access high-quality content on screens? 

• Read about the potential risks and consequences of too much screen time for kids.

Children from lower-income families spend an average of three and a half hours each day on screen media, according to a nationwide survey conducted by the nonprofit Common Sense Media. That amount is 40 percent longer than middle-income children (two hours and 25 minutes) and almost double the screen time spent by affluent children (one hour and 50 minutes).

And children whose parents are less educated spend far more time on screens (two hours and 50 minutes) than children whose parents who have graduated from college (one and 37 minutes).

The survey is a snapshot of a moment when parents have increasingly begun to fret over screen time. Researchers have pointed to the number of hours teenagers particularly spend on their phones and laptops as a likely factor in the skyrocketing number of adolescents complaining of overwhelming stress and anxiety.

Read the full article about screen time by Kevin Mahnken at The 74.