Digital technology has changed how we get places and do everyday tasks, including paying for parking. In today’s world, cities face the constant battle of managing precious curb space with increased complexity as new modes of transportation, like ride-sharing and scooters as well as delivery and fleet vehicles, are added to the mix. With the rapidly changing and competitive nature of this modern curb space, cities must reimagine their traditional parking operation, the technology that supports it and what is needed to accomplish both short- and long-term goals.

After evaluating 200+ RFPs for cities both large and small over the past 18 months, transportation software company Passport identified three main criteria to consider when procuring for a modern parking solution: centralized management, customer choice, and future-proofing for new technology and innovation.

Centralized Management: Why have multiple systems when you only need one?
Currently, most cities utilize separate providers throughout their entire parking operation. In other words, they have a parking solution, an enforcement solution, a payment processor, etc., each requiring unique integrations and oversight. This not only creates a reporting headache, but also a siloed operation, unnecessary expenses and multiple procurements. Managing multiple vendors, contracts and backend systems often leads to the question, “How do I unify my parking operation and make it easier to manage?”

“Cities often tell us their number one criterion when evaluating potential partners is finding one partner who can meet most of their needs so they are not managing multiple solutions,” said Kelsey Owens, director of sales at Passport. The modern parking operation is so much more than just parking, and should really be viewed as a mobility operation. It’s clear that the systems most cities have can’t meet the full spectrum of their needs and goals. The solution to this problem is an end-to-end digital operating system designed to unify parking management and enhance the customer parking experience.

Read the full article about building modern mobility systems at Smart Cities Dive.