Between 2017 and 2019, I researched the culture and curriculum of elite business schools by interviewing students and graduates; speaking with professors; attending classes, and reviewing course materials and other documents. Through this research, I came to believe that while these schools prepare graduates to lead corporations to profits and propel them into those roles, they typically don’t cultivate businesspeople who are well equipped to serve the public good through private enterprise.

The widening divide between the haves and have-nots is untenable, and a decades-long stagnation of wages means that work is no longer the way to economic stability for most Americans. Educational institutions—and business schools in particular—should help mitigate these inequalities by cultivating leaders who contribute to the public good, and they can do this in five important ways.

  1. Stop Treating Students as Customers
  2. Use Case Studies More Creatively
  3. Ditch Value Neutrality
  4. Teach Students to Solve Complex Problems, Not Business Problems
  5. Teach Economic Theory as Theory and Offer Alternatives

Read the full article about business leaders by Rebecca Shamash at Stanford Social Innovation Review.