In this article I will review what makes a good talent management strategy, how to develop your staff for leadership roles, and why learning and development (L&D) is key to a successful leadership pipeline.

In general, companies with effective talent management strategies are more adaptable to change, more productive, more innovative, and better able to retain their talent. Across the board, effective talent management strategies include recruitment, performance, career development, and L&D. In my experience, however, nonprofits often decide on a new hire and then consider filling only that role. Little attention is paid to what talent is needed to achieve future business goals.

The pandemic has prompted many leaders to reexamine their organization’s values and workforce models, with talented employees championing for greater flexibility and purpose in their work. As such, it makes good business sense to invest in your talents’ learning and development to provide them with the skills they need to excel in both their current and future organizational roles. By upskilling talent and connecting L&D to their organizations’ overall talent management strategies, EDs can expand their impact.

Much like tailoring your onboarding process, L&D signifies that you value continuous learning as well as investing in your talented employees’ personal and professional development. L&D also helps you identify which individuals are eager and ready to step into new roles, helping you fill your leadership pipeline. In order to achieve these goals, you might consider building internal development programs—such as coaching, mentoring, or leadership programs—that help talent learn the skills that your organization needs to accomplish its mission objectives.

Read the full article about leadership development pipeline by Faswilla Sampson at Blue Avocado.