For Boston's Dr. William W. Henderson Inclusion School, which is focused on serving students with disabilities, building a strong school-parent partnership is key to maximizing the benefits for this student population, Education Week reported.

Henderson Director of Lower Campus Amy Gailunas said the first step to creating this environment is establishing trust and collaboration, followed by making sure students get the therapies they need inside the classroom — rather than taking them elsewhere — and allowing for flexibilities and treating staff and parents as equals.

However, some say there’s another necessary piece of the puzzle in securing sufficient funding.

Maintaining an open line of communication between teachers and parents is important for any student. But it’s even more crucial for special education students, who may require individualized needs and learning plans. Oftentimes, a student's parents know their child best and have the best grasp of their strengths, challenges and what they need to succeed.

But if parents or guardians are alienated from the process, teachers won't have this valuable knowledge and input, and they likely won't be able to maximize their effectiveness in the classroom.

In addition to teachers, administrators need to have a clear understanding of what their schools and students need. If they don’t, they won’t know what resources to invest in or secure, and the success of students — especially those with disabilities, who may have more specific needs — is put in jeopardy.

Read the full article about special education requirements by Jessica Campisi at Education Dive