Giving Compass' Take:

• Research shows the latest evidence linking increased school funding to positive outcomes for students, including graduation rates, lifetime wages, and college attendance.

• How does New York compare to other states school funding? How can we get all states to focus more on educational funding?

Here is another example of New York's educational budget.

Education advocates have insisted the state has skimped on funding its schools. But New York State already has the highest per-student funding rate of any in the country — could moving that number up make a difference?

The answer is yes, according to a new study of over 600 districts across the state — the first of its kind to look at the recent effects of increased school spending in New York. The researchers found that increased per-student spending led to higher math and reading scores on state tests.

The findings add new evidence to a heated debate that has raged for decades about whether the state’s schools are adequately funded, an issue that actress Cynthia Nixon has made a pillar of her underdog campaign against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Read the full article about school funding by Alex Zimmerman at Chalkbeat