Giving Compass' Take:

• Author Sylvia Brown details steps donors can take to give more thoughtfully and strategically over the holidays, taking a big step in impact-driven philanthropy.

• Of course, the goal is to keep up these practices all year long. Think about how you can use December and January as a momentum-builder for your giving journey.

• Need some help? Try our free personal donations manager, Giving Planner.

Last year, individual donors gave $280 billion to 1.5 million nonprofits. The vast majority of Americans claim to care about charitable effectiveness, yet only 15% spend even two hours a year investigating how to achieve meaningful impact. You may not have the resources of Bill and Melinda Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, but by taking just five minutes a week research your giving opportunities, you can make a bigger difference with your dollars.

Here are five ways to be a smarter donor:

  1. No time to do your own investigating? Then pick an online giving platform committed to research, transparency and measuring impact.
  2. Want to focus on small organizations making a difference in your community? Then call the development director to discuss how you can invest in what most charities struggle to fund: core costs.
  3. Take the time this holiday season to focus on one specific cause — researching evidence is a great family bonding activity.
  4. Ear-mark some of your philanthropic capital for an investment at a low or “patient” rate of return may be one of the most effective ways of leveraging your giving.
  5. Follow the 50/30/20 rule: Focus half your giving on one charity or a select few that are most meaningful to you

Read the full article about how to give with more impact by Sylvia Brown from Medium.