Giving Compass' Take:

• USA TODAY reports on Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's generous grant to fund a national education reporting project. 

• How can other donors and philanthropists follow suit and help fund educational projects? How can we support the importance of a strong education system in America?

• To learn more about other investments towards social causes the Gates Foundation is making, click here

One rarely told story in journalism is the one about the individuals and nonprofit organizations who financially support our work. I call them guardian angels.

These supporters know they cannot influence coverage but understand the reach and influence that journalists have to improve lives. Together we win.

I’ve written about our national education coverage initiative, partnering with CBS News. Now we have added a financial supporter to broaden the exposure to our work.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded the USA TODAY Network a grant of nearly $500,000 to bolster coverage of education issues. Funds from the two-year grant will help establish a national education reporting team at USA TODAY to partner with our education writers across the country.

Read the full article about new grant to fund education reporting by Manuel Garcia at USA TODAY