Giving Compass' Take:

• Linda Jacobson reports that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is granting $2.2 million so that schools can redesign their schedules to fit inquiry-based education models. 

• What are the advantages of change schools schedules? Is this the most impactful change that schools can make for the price? 

• How should their recent education funding failure inform future education efforts? 

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced a $2.2 million grant to make free resources available to school leaders who are redesigning their schedules to better fit personalized, project-based and other learning models that call for flexibility.

Led by Abl, a San Francisco-based company that develops master school scheduling tools, the Unlocking Time initiative features online resources related to bell schedules, case studies from schools, and the School Time Assessment — a survey that school leaders can administer to learn more about how they use time.

Read the full article about helping schools redesign their schedules by Linda Jacobson at Education Dive.