Growing up in the South Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts, I experienced firsthand social, economic and environmental injustices. One of the most polluted places in California, Watts suffers from cumulative environmental burdens. These environmental hazards are evident in the Alameda Corridor, a 20-mile-long freight line responsible for air pollution, and a Superfund site adjacent to the local public high school. The pollution is one reason the residents of Watts live 10 fewer years on average than those residing in nearby affluent neighborhoods. Just by living there, my life expectancy was likely reduced.

My commitment to working at the intersection of social and environmental justice is personal; it stems from my years having to advocate for access to clean air, clean water, affordable energy and the right to live in a neighborhood not plagued by environmental neglect. But my experiences are not unique — many people of color and low-income communities across the nation live in neighborhoods that face staggering environmental, health and social challenges.

In an ACEEE report and accompanying digital StoryMap released in October, we identified six effective community-based clean energy strategies and case examples of community-based organizations (CBOs) working to advance equitable, local clean energy solutions for communities plagued by disinvestment and systemic injustices. These new resources offer recommendations for decision makers interested in engaging and supporting community-based clean energy efforts.

Community-focused strategies in action

The report analyzes 32 CBOs working to advance clean energy developments and assesses strategies they employ to support equitable clean energy development, bolster the local workforce, build community resilience, improve energy affordability, and spur economic prosperity. Here are six strategies these CBOs use to drive clean energy outcomes in local communities:

Read the full article about community-based organizations by Roxana Ayala at GreenBiz.