Philanthropy plays a crucial role in supporting media that improves democratic processes. The exercise of free expression and the financial support that make it possible are especially needed in places that lack press freedom protections. Around the globe, media funders have been keeping an eye on troubling global trends and potential threats to democracy, journalism and free speech.

As anti-democratic, anti-media rhetoric increases globally, funders supporting journalism work must understand and incorporate security issues into their grantmaking in order to advance essential reporting and protect journalists and journalism.

Safety and security emerged as one of the major themes in Media Impact Funders’ forthcoming report, Global Media Philanthropy: What Funders Need to Know About Data, Trends and Pressing Issues Facing the Field of Media. Produced with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this research draws on media funding data from across the globe, as well as surveys, interviews and contributions from experts working in the field.

Read the full article about how global media philanthropy can address journalists’ security by Nina Sachdev at Media Impact Funders.