How do we keep our students actively engaged in a remote learning environment? Four months into this COVID-era academic year and this question still lingers for higher education administrators and faculty.

The answer to student engagement lies in creating a quality learning environment. One that goes beyond simply considering which course materials to use, but instead takes a holistic approach to instructing, guiding and mentoring students throughout their entire academic journey. This means faculty need better options to help translate their face-to-face student interactions to an online space and institutions need to scale these new digital interactions so they’re accessible to all and provide a smooth, positive user experience across courses and programs.

So how can higher education leaders and faculty go about creating these quality learning environments online to maintain student engagement? Here are four considerations to get started:

  1. Think interactive—beyond Zoom
  2. Create consistent experiences across courses
  3. Support the WHOLE student
  4. Ensure accessibility institution-wide

Read the full article about taking a holistic approach to learning from Cengage at Education Dive.