One of the best ways for a workplace to serve its community is to implement employee-driven philanthropic programs. This is done by not only listening to your people but also being led by them.

The most effective corporate giving frameworks offer a holistic suite of programs that empower employees to lend their time (i.e., volunteering), talent (i.e., mentoring, coaching, relationships) and treasure (i.e., financial contributions) where they are most needed in local communities.

Communities have multifaceted needs. A critical step in addressing them is to listen to the lived experiences of those communities. Community- and employee-centric corporate giving programs ensure solutions actually meet their needs, all while giving employees the choice to support the cause that’s most meaningful to them.

There are a number of ways to deploy the time, talent and treasure of your associates and make a positive impact in the communities where you live, work, play and serve. Here are a few examples:
  • A Donation-Matching Program
  • Supporting Volunteerism
  • Community-Impact Grants
  • Employee-Led Disaster Relief
  • Investing In Employees And Their Families

Read the full article about making an impact on communities by C.D. Glin at Forbes.