While a nonprofit organization operating alone is able to achieve important goals, partnering up with an entrepreneur or another organization can significantly increase the impact of the work being done to the benefit of both parties. However, nonprofit leaders must be careful when establishing these professional relationships.

Primarily considering only the big-picture organizational goals rather than the true compatibility of the partner may result in an overall negative and frustrating experience. To help, 14 Forbes Nonprofit Council members each share one factor essential to forming mutually beneficial relationships with a business partner or another nonprofit organization and why that component is so needed to create a healthy working dynamic.

  1. Complementarity
  2. Shared Values
  3. Trust
  4. Respect
  5. Sustained Communication
  6. Mission And Values Alignment
  7. Shared Outcomes
  8. Concreteness
  9. Accountability
  10. Clarity
  11. A Collaborative Mindset
  12. Active Listening Skills
  13. Deep Understanding
  14. Realism

Read the full article about mutually beneficial relationships for nonprofits at Forbes.