Success within the nonprofit industry does not look the same for each and every organization. As nonprofit leaders navigate solving problems, what’s critical is making sure the organization is meeting set goals, operating efficiently and making a positive impact.

With day-to-day work, it’s so easy to get caught up in the small details and forget to check the progress being made on the larger goals. To help leaders stay on track, the members of Forbes Nonprofit Council offer suggestions on how a nonprofit leader can measure the impact of the work being done to ensure their organization remains efficient.

  1. Gain A Thorough Understanding of Current Resources And Needs
  2. Set SMART Goals
  3. Measure Outputs And Outcomes
  4. Conduct An Audit Of Expenditures And Revenue
  5. Examine Contribution Revenue Raised First
  6. Evaluate Mission Delivery
  7. Utilize Objective Industry Benchmarks And Data Sources
  8. Build Trust With Stakeholders
  9. Obtain Customer And Employee Feedback
  10. Stay Grounded In Your Intended Impact
  11. Know What Measurements Actually Matter

Read the full article about efficiency in nonprofit organizations at Forbes.