Albert Einstein once famously said if he were given an hour to solve a problem, he’d spend 55 minutes understanding it, and then take just five minutes developing solutions.

That formula makes total sense, and perhaps especially when considering a complex and tangled problem like inequity and healthcare. Translated narrowly for the U.S. vaccination effort, it means that it is crucial that we collect the data needed to identify who is having trouble getting vaccinated and why.

Only then can we figure out how to correct injustices.

What gets measured gets managed. With improved data and analysis, we can pinpoint disparities, scrutinize root causes, and adapt strategies accordingly. It has been true in our national health equity work across pilot projects and statewide rollouts, boiling down to three major operating principles:

  • Use the latest data when making decisions.
  • Work with independent analysts.
  • Standardize demographic data reporting.

What steps do we need to take to better tackle inequities?

  1. Let Data Drive Decision-making
  2. Collaborate with independent analysts
  3. Standardize demographic data reporting

Read the full article about using data for vaccine distribution by Otis Rolley at The Rockefeller Foundation.