Projects Abroad encourages all generations to make 2018 the year to travel, not only for personal gain, but to contribute to an important cause that will improve the lives of others. Projects Abroad offers a wide range of volunteer projects suited for all interests and ages, that facilitate cultural exploration, personal growth, and an opportunity to give back to those in need.

The desire to travel is fueled by a longing to break from the norm and to experience life in a different country, including its cultures, food, and popular sites. For many who travel, there is also a desire to give back to the place they visit. This can be through service work using skills and experience over a shorter period of time, but which has a long-term impact. For this reason, volunteering has become a means of travel that thousands across the world are opting for.

Projects Abroad offers volunteer trips where participants travel to another country to contribute to an ongoing project to positively impact a specific area of need. These trips fall into different categories including child care, teaching, conservation, and building. Projects Abroad also offers international internships, where participants can gain practical experience working alongside local professionals in a field of study or expertise.

Read the full article about Projects Abroad by Api Podder at My Social Good News.