Giving Compass' Take:

• Kiersten Marek highlights funders who are working in sexual assault prevention and how they are accomplishing their work. 

• How can donors best learn from these funders? Are there opportunities for funders to work together to increase their impact? 

• Learn about navigating funding the #MeToo era

Who are the funders helping us to make progress on ending sexual assault and harassment, and will we see an increase in funding for this sorely neglected area of philanthropy? I would particularly like to see more resources for women who are before the court, to support them in finding a way to safely testify, so we can know more about abuse and figure out better ways to prevent it.

Raliance: One of the newest initiatives on the scene is Raliance, which was created using a $10 million funding commitment from the National Football League. now serves as the central hub for three top organizations in the country working to end sexual violence: the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA)-PreventConnect and the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV).

Stop it Now! has been around since 1992 and was founded by Fran Henry, a child sexual abuse survivor. At that time, very few child sexual abuse prevention programs existed. Since then, Stop it Now! has made great strides in identifying, refining and sharing effective ways to prevent child sexual abuse before children are harmed.

NoVo Foundation: One private foundation that has put serious money toward this issue is the NoVo Foundation, which gave a total of $5 million between 2009 and 2012 to the Ms. Foundation for Women to support a project called Child Sexual Abuse: A Social Justice Prevention Model.

Read the full article about prominent funders of sexual assault prevention by Kiersten Marek at Philanthropy Women.