Research consistently finds a simple trend: where there are more guns, there are more deaths. That's true everywhere in the world, and it's true in the classroom, too.

A cross-national study of weapons in schools found that when there are more weapons in class, whether in the US, Portugal, or Israel, there are more hospitalizations and more medical treatment.

Researchers in that study concluded that carrying guns, knives, and other arms is an indicator that physical violence and injuries are more likely for young people.

On some college campuses, students already carry concealed guns to class. Since 2003, 10 US states have started allowing guns on public postsecondary school campuses. But there's been little study of how that affects a school's safety. One 2011 survey of students in Texas — before that state legalized conceal carry on campus — found that letting students carry guns to class would mean some classrooms might wind up with a handful of guns, while others would have none. It'd be difficult to ensure that guns were dispatched exactly where and when they were needed, then discharged appropriately.

Read the full article on guns in classrooms by Hilary Brueck at Business Insider