Nonetheless, articles about emerging trends and predictions for 2023 abound right now and range from the trivial to the apocalyptic. For the enterprising nonprofit executive, those articles attempt to identify trends that will help with everything from fundraising prowess to board development.

I feel obliged to follow suit and zero in on a few key trends that provide vital insight to help you steer your nonprofit ship over the coming months:

  1. Prioritizing Financial Flexibility And Growth
    A projected mild recession, investment market volatility and inflation could pose material risks in the year ahead. Further, eroding consumer sentiment and the ever-present threat of lingering public health challenges merit caution.
  2. Supporting Your Workforce
    This has never mattered more, especially when talent pools are thin and employees are quitting. Forward-thinking organizations are choosing to look beyond traditional requirements to hire people with unconventional backgrounds. Employee mental health and emotional well-being and satisfaction are also priorities for retention and engagement.
  3. Striving For Inclusion And Common Ground
    Continued discord and tension around ideology, the nonstop presence of media and social media, and the preference for technology over real relationships continue to splinter our collective unity. The impact of increasing political partisanship, aided and abetted by our political leaders, is driving dangerous levels of polarization around uncompromising beliefs. Social media influencers and pundits eager for attention are deriding their opponents and destroying common ground.

Read the full article about nonprofit trends by Thomas Bognanno at Forbes.