Giving Compass' Take:

• Alix Guerrier, CEO of GlobalGiving, discusses the need for collective action to dismantle structural racism in the wake of George Floyd's death.

• How are you directing your charitable dollars towards supporting racial justice? 

• Learn about dismantling racism in philanthropy.

In normal times, it is very easy to indulge in a comforting fiction: that we live in a meritocracy, that honest work leads to good consequences, and that though tragedy may always strike, we share a common human vulnerability to it. However, this isn’t the full truth, and the events of the past few weeks have once again painfully pierced this fragile shell of ignorance. The message is clear: if you are a black person in particular, never get too comfortable.

Every time I’m served with this reminder, I feel momentarily helpless. No matter how I behave or what I achieve, there’s a gotcha clause in our social contract that applies to me and others like me—an asterisk with a footnote that says if you are a black person your expectation of physical safety may be rendered null and void at the whim of literally any white person you encounter.

However, I’m not helpless; none of us is. We can act: collectively as in the case of protests, and individually. No one can eradicate the oppression of black Americans and people of color on their own, but it’s also true that no solution will work without participation from all of us. I would like to share one place to start—please recognize and elevate the tireless work of organizations focused on ending racial injustice.

Here are four partners from the GlobalGiving community with solutions that need your support:

  • Free Minds
  • Ms. Foundation for Women
  • Story Tapestries Inc.
  • Unsilence

Supporting these and other leading organizations, especially those created and led by black Americans, is far from the only action one can take. At GlobalGiving, we’ll continue to think of how we can contribute to progress on this issue.

Read the full article about dismantling structural racism by Alix Guerrier at GlobalGiving.