State policymakers can play a key role in shifting education systems to be more learner-centered and future-focused. Here are six ways they can get started.

Personalized education, co-constructed with local leaders, community members, students, and families, allows state policymakers to develop policies that equitably and effectively support students and educators in transforming learning experiences. Often captured as a Portrait of a Graduate, this approach serves as a guiding light for creating personalized, competency-based, and equitable education systems.

Jennifer Kabaker highlights six key state policy levers aimed at creating equitable learning environments that support the diverse needs of students.

Establishing a Vision

State policymakers should begin by developing a Profile of a Graduate (PoG). This profile outlines the essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions students need for success in post-secondary education, careers, and civic life.

Creating Equitable Conditions

Personalized education guided by a vision allows policymakers to create the conditions for equitable, learner-centered, competency-based education systems. This includes revising existing policies to align with the PoG and establishing innovation zones and competency-based education pilots to support new teaching and learning approaches.

Transforming Assessment Systems

Policymakers should move away from an over-reliance on summative assessments and support balanced systems of assessments. Personalized education guided by a vision ensures these assessments provide meaningful and actionable information, fostering positive, personalized education experiences.

Aligning Accountability and Data Systems

State leaders need to align accountability and data systems with the PoG. This ensures that collected information accurately reflects student progress and holds systems accountable. A reciprocal accountability approach is essential, where all stakeholders are accountable to each other.

Supporting Educators

Educators need support to thrive in a competency-based system guided by a vision that ensures state policymakers co-design guidance with educators, ensuring licensure and credentialing are based on demonstrated mastery.

Redesigning Learning Experiences

Policymakers should decouple academic progress from seat time, enabling students to advance based on knowledge and skills. Personalized education guided by a vision helps states develop policies for high-quality, work-based learning experiences in partnership with employers.

State policymakers, guided by personalized education principles, play a crucial role in creating equitable and effective K-12 systems. These efforts ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed, building brighter futures for all.

Read the full article about Personalized Education at Getting Smart.