The Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana has developed a fun and educational book to help young  people discover how philanthropy works.

Phil and His Family's Adventures in Giving features a boy named "Phil," who, along with his family, discovers the joys and challenges of becoming a philanthropist. In addition to the book, YPII has developed associated collateral material to supplement the learnings from the book. These include monthly calendar reminders, card games to help young people to develop a proper philanthropic vocabulary, activity cards, which introduce hands-on ideas for philanthropic projects, and conversation-starter cards. The material also features "Giving Tokens," call-to-action tokens which introduce the "pay it forward" concept.

This imaginative and creative resource is designed to help families incorporate the spirit of generosity into their everyday lives. Through characters, stories, and activities philanthropy comes to life in a way that is fun and understandable.

Read the source article at YPIN.ORG