Giving Compass' Take:

• Matthew Simonds and Meg Yarcia explain why privileged nations must focus their efforts on developing nations throughout the COVID rebuild.

• How have centuries of exploitation and disregard placed developing nations at a disadvantage during COVID? What are you doing to help reverse this process during the COVID rebuild?

• Learn more about why donors should increase their giving towards those who need it most during the crisis.

In developing and developed countries alike, the COVID-19 pandemic has been battering health systems and economies, leaving in its wake nearly half a million dead as well as millions of unemployed and hungry populations.

Today, medical and social protection systems in developing countries are under immense pressure to cope with this disaster. Income losses in these countries are projected to exceed $220 billion, and the impact is set to reverberate across the globe, with more than half of the world’s population lacking social safety nets. Some governments have also been exploiting the crisis to impose heavy-handed rules in the guise of a public health response. All of these are the result of systemic choices which have for decades favoured private profit over public good; the pandemic has  aggravated the situation and increased the divide.

We believe that this crisis presents an opportunity to fix what is clearly broken. The international community can respond to the tragedy by addressing these injustices, and making sure that no person is left behind and deprived of their human rights.

We strongly emphasise the need for effective development cooperation in aiding efforts to eradicate poverty and inequality, and with a special urgency in light of the pandemic. We reiterate a call for development efforts that advance the countries’ interests, focus on results, uphold transparency and accountability, encourage inclusive partnerships, and put primacy on human rights.

COVID-19 is a crisis that presents us with the challenge of rebuilding our societies with the furthest behind at the forefront. In this trying time, we need to realise that looking after each other must be a collective endeavour and that whatever goals we set for our society and economy must be for the greater good.

Read the full article about the COVID rebuild by Matthew Simonds and Meg Yarcia at Philanthropy In Focus.