There has been a sharp increase in the number of LGBTQ individuals personally experiencing discrimination across the United States, according to a recent report from GLAAD – 24 percent over a two-year period. There have also been legislative efforts to institutionalize discriminatory and harmful treatment of LGBTQ individuals over the last two years. According to the report, nearly 250 bills were introduced in state legislatures curtailing the rights of LGBTQ individuals or restricting access to information (e.g., books, classroom content) supportive of LGBTQ individuals.

As harmful as this environment LGBTQ individuals face may be, how much harder must it be for LGBTQ individuals also facing or experiencing homelessness?

In the face of rising discrimination, the field must ensure homeless service programs and systems are working in a positive direction. How do we creating programs and services that are affirming, welcoming, equitable, and safe places for LGBT individuals experiencing homelessness and reduce the disparities likely present in our own system?

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) outlines a few key steps.

The CoC NOFO competition lays out the expectation that CoCs will take the lead to ensure LGBTQ individuals are appropriately served across homeless service programs. Collaborative applicants will receive up to 7 points in their score by demonstrating:

  • LGBTQ+ serving organizations or advocacy groups are included in the CoC membership;
  • annual trainings are conducted for providers about how to effectively implement Equal Access Rules;
  • they have implemented and trained providers on a CoC-wide, anti-discrimination policy ensuring that LGBTQ+ individuals and families receive supportive services, shelter, and housing free from discrimination;
  • their CoC-wide anti-discrimination policy is updated (as necessary) based on stakeholder feedback;
  • the CoC has assisted providers in developing agency anti-discrimination policies that are consistent with the CoC wide anti-discrimination policy; and
  • the CoC has a process for evaluating compliance with the CoC’s anti-discrimination policies and addresses any non-compliance with those policies.

Read the full article about helping LGBTQ homeless populations by Sharon McDonald at the National Alliance to End Homelessness.