Yesterday, Senator Chuck Grassley sent a letter to the Senate Finance and Judicial Committees on the findings of his office’s investigation into the Wounded Warrior Project(WWP). The investigation has been ongoing for a little over a year.

WWP, as NPQ readers may remember, became embroiled in January 2016 in a scandalcentered on the way money was being spent and accounted for in the organization. The board’s first response was to defend itself. It hired an independent reviewer and a PR firm (which was paid just under a half-million dollars) and terminated its two top executives, Steven Nardizzi and Al Giordano. Eventually, WWP hired its current executive, Michael S. Linnington, who has since cleaned house among administrative personnel and tightened up operations.

Grassley’s report makes it abundantly clear that he believes that the organization is in turnaround mode under its new CEO. (Though, Grassley wrote, it does merit continued monitoring.) The report places fault on the previous administration of the organization and the board—not for illegalities, but for a lack of proper stewardship of donor money and for overblowing the amount being spent on program services.

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