Dale Pfeifer remembers logging on to Facebook nearly 10 years ago, when it was still in its infancy, and reading a post about a friend’s charity that provides health and educational services to women in Afghanistan. She was inspired and wanted to donate, but could not find a quick way to do that.

“I was like, ‘We should be able to just donate right here,’” she says. “So I started thinking about it and what I realized is, just like the Internet had a new wave of payment options — such as PayPal and others — what if we could put a whole new payment infrastructure on social media, so that every time a payment was made, something good would happen in the world? Social payment would equal social good.”

In 2014 the New Zealand native launched Goodworld, which allows people to donate to about 3,000 nonprofit organizations on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #donate. After signing up, users can simply type #donate and an amount into a Facebook comment or a Twitter RT or @reply. During the first 20 months of its beta launch, Goodworld has helped raise more than $5 million. The average donation is about $31 and the most active users are millennials.

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