Giving Compass' Take:
- Nathanael Johnson highlights new research on sustainable farming and the inner workings of staple crops that could provide solutions to food insecurity caused by climate change.
- How can donors fund further research on solutions to food insecurity caused by climate change?
- Read about how soil can improve food security while combating climate change.
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For years, scientists have been warning that higher temperatures will reduce the bounty of farms around the globe: The National Climate Assessment forecasts smaller harvests in the United States. One model suggests that world corn yields could fall 24 percent by 2050. And a study that came out in April suggests that climate change has already slashed agricultural yields by 21 percent.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that as many as 183 million additional people will be at risk of going hungry by 2050 if carbon dioxide levels keep rising.
These findings conjure apocalyptic visions of famine and hunger wars. But scientists say the body of research into the impacts of climate change on the world’s food systems also has another major takeaway: that we have a tremendous capacity to adapt. One critical way, they say, would be to figure out exactly what makes plants susceptible to heat, so breeders know what to look for as they develop hardier crops for the future.
Research on plant heat stress is blooming as techniques improve and as scientists map the genomes of major crops. Colleen Doherty, an associate professor of biochemistry at North Carolina State University, is one of the researchers working to figure out how we can feed ourselves, while using less land, and allowing forests and habitats to regrow.
“And we can do it, we’ve barely touched the potential of plants,” Doherty said.
Read the full article about solutions to food insecurity by Nathanael Johnson at Grist.