Teachers College, Columbia University and Teach Away are excited to announce a new online course that helps teachers develop the fundamental teaching skills and knowledge needed to develop students' digital literacies and prepare them for a digital future.

It is more important than ever for teachers and schools to prepare students to navigate an increasingly digital world. To address the growing need among educators nationwide for practical, teacher-centered digital literacy training, Teachers College, Columbia University today announced it has created an online professional development course for teachers: Digital Learning for the K-8 Classroom, in partnership with award-winning educator, Detra Price-Dennis, and leading education professional development and recruitment platform, Teach Away.

Teachers College, Columbia University knows how essential it is for 21st century teachers to understand how to grow learners and learning for the digital world we live in. We're excited to offer Digital Learning for the K-8 Classroom, in conjunction with Teach Away, to continue this important effort," said Steven Goss, Vice Provost for Digital Learning at Teachers College, Columbia University.

The education landscape for K-8 teachers and students has grown more and more digital and tech-centric. This poses a challenge for teachers, who can feel inadequately prepared when it comes to deciding which digital technologies and tools to use in the classroom - as well as how and when - that will most benefit student learning.

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