In recent weeks, I’ve written to you several times about momentum in the food movement. The urgency of food system transformation is gaining ground—gaining visibility and support like never before—and we have to meet the moment. We can’t miss this opportunity, I’ve said.

As we look forward to 2023, we can’t just talk about the momentum of the food movement. We need to act upon it. How do we meet the moment? How do we avoid squandering our chance to protect our climate and feed our communities?

This is our challenge over the coming year, and we can only tackle these questions with your support. I hope you’ll look at our plans for 2023 in this note and then join Food Tank as a member to support the growing food movement.

Food Tank is in an unprecedented position to support the growing global movement toward food and agriculture systems change. We’ll continue to engage our vast networks and push for change to increase our impact in these spaces, and we’re grateful for your support.

Our 2023 strategy continues to build on our core philosophy, filling critical gaps in seven issue areas not yet adequately addressed by the food movement.

Here’s a snapshot of what you can expect from us in the coming year:

  1. Engaging U.S. Policymakers and Policy
  2. Engaging Global Decision-Makers
  3. Engaging the Private Sector and Food Business
  4. Engaging Educational Leaders and Academic Research
  5. Engaging Audiences Through Film, Theater, and Culture
  6. Engaging Readers and Listeners via News and Publishing
  7. Engaging Grassroots Membership

Read the full article about food movement by Bernard Pollack and Danielle Nierenberg at Food Tank.