Giving Compass' Take:

• In the wake of the recent college admissions scandal, YES Magazine! writes about white privilege in America and how it affects multiple aspects, higher education included. 

• How can those who have benefitted from white privilege help dismantle this inequitable system? What areas besides education need to address this issue further? 

• Here are 4 ways for wealthy, white donors to address race and privilege.

There are those who like to think the United States is a meritocracy, a place where all you need to do to get ahead is to be able and to work hard. Talent plus effort equals success.

It’s bunk, of course, as anyone who grows up and looks around would tell you.

Wealth and White privilege play an outsize role in determining who comes out on top. And if “on top” means more money, more opportunity, and more power, that trend has only become more pronounced in recent years. The rich continue to grow richer at the expense of everyone else.

Read the full article about the college cheating scandal by Chris Winters at YES! Magazine