There’s a lot to keep track of during the week.  Here is a recap of some of the most-read articles on Giving Compass this week. Want to keep up? Sign up for the Giving Compass newsletter to receive our weekly, curated list of reads right to your inbox.

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Blockchain’s Role in Impact Investing and Humanitarian Aid
Technologies like blockchain have enormous implications for impact and social change.

Impact Philanthropy Opportunities for Neurodegenerative Diseases
This report from the Milken Institute is a must-read for donors looking to make an impact on neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

Northern California Carr Fire: How to Help
As the fire rages, philanthropic support is needed now and for years to come.

What if Robots Could Stop Modern Slavery?
Seattle Against Slavery explains the potential for emerging technologies to tackle one of the most significant issues of our time.

Environmental Issues Guide: What to Know Now
This extensive guide helps donors pick a cause and start making an impact.

How to Support STEM Education
Find out how philanthropy can play an important role in supporting STEM education programs across the U.S.

Why We’re Banding Together with Pearl Jam to Fight Homelessness
Tricia Raikes explains how The Home Shows will create lasting impact.

Philanthropy Must Help Save the Census
The census is essential to the public and nonprofit sectors. Getting an accurate count needs to be a priority as the 2020 census approaches.

Are We Engaging with Communities Enough?
Impact relies heavily on communities being part of their own development.

France Leads the World in Ending Food Waste
America is trailing in this important SDG indicator, but philanthropy can help to change that.