The press repeatedly emphasizes that over 80% of the people in Puerto Rico do not have electricity. However approximately 40% of people still do not have clean water to drink after three weeks.

Not having water readily available means that it’s always on your mind. Even when you don’t plan on thinking about it, you do. Your decisions become basic. Do I really need that much water to cook? Can I wash just those more problematic body areas? How long can we keep bodily waste in a toilet before manually flushing with some of our precious water reserves?

On a larger level, when communities lose water, crops die. Rural families have to decide whether to feed their families the food they need to stay healthy or to sell their few crops just to get by. How little food is enough? Can they afford school fees to educate their children if they don’t sell any food?

Get to your phones and computers. Get your friends and neighbors involved to volunteer and act locally. Let’s show Trump that we believe in our flag so much that we actually help and support those who live under it. Let’s show Trump what it means to make America great.

Read the full article by Ahadi Bugg-Levine on Medium