Tackling the global climate crisis is a daunting challenge—but no matter the obstacles, the members of the GlobalGiving Climate Action Fund are building a brighter future for the entire planet. Check out how they’ve worked toward climate wins from protecting the Amazon to promoting sustainable agriculture.

  • February 2020: Lekuru Church food forest is planted
    Early last year, Sadhana Forest Kenya implemented a two-acre permaculture project at the local church and community outreach center in Lekuru Market. The team planted hundreds of food-bearing trees and added a large kitchen garden. Within a few years, they expect a vibrant food forest to take root, providing vital nutrients to the community and surrounding villages.


  • March 2020: Agroforesty workshop brings new possibilities
    Before COVID-19 lockdowns hit, Instituto Chaikuni offered a 10-day workshop that taught more than 30 community members the principles of agroforestry, a climate-friendly system of sustainable farming that mimics the growing patterns of the rainforest itself. By the end of the workshop, course participants and Chaikuni staff had planted three rich agroforestry plots in areas previously degraded by unsustainable farming practices.


  • April 2020: COVID-19 strains programming
    When COVID-19 forced Iracambi to close to foreign students and researchers, the organization lost nearly 30% of its annual income, straining it to its limit. After an intense period of planning, budgeting, and fundraising, Iracambi shifted all of its education programs online and implemented remote monitoring by asking partner farmers to share their baby trees’ progress through photography.

Read the full article about climate wins by Nic Gieselman at GlobalGiving.