Our structured practice, called oneED (ED stands for “emergency department”), invites and encourages our ER team members to participate in three simple practices:

  • A four-minute pause at morning clinical handover, the time in the morning when the night-shift team transfers care of patients to the early-shift team.
  • Moments of mindfulness throughout the workday, when staff become overwhelmed or need to enhance their focus. We post mindfulness-themed flyers around the ER, which feature simple thoughts and reflections as reminders of this.
  • A weekly drop-in 30-minute session whereby those who are interested and available can gather for journaling, partner exercises, and sharing of experiences.

A core concept of mindfulness is embodied by a famous quote by psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl: “Between stimulus and response there lies a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.”

Read the source article at Greater Good