The faculty of public schools are still primarily white and female. We know this intuitively but it is also the data from the National Center for Education Statistics. Our students are much more diverse than the workforce. The demographics of America's younger population is changing faster than its aging ones. According to Kids Data, the population of white K-12 students is now less than 50% nationally. The good news is that diversity among public school teachers has also increased...but, not in impressive ways.

Aside from the lessons that are the vehicles for curriculum, extracurricular activities, and interscholastic and intramural sports, there are observations and daily interactions with adults that make a difference in their lives. Students watch and learn from how educators treat each other, their students and parents.

We need future generations who can work together and be creative and competent problem solvers...Educators are not responsible for where we are but we can be responsible for improving things in the future. Having a more diverse faculty and more diversity in school leadership can be part of that contribution.

Read the source article at Education Week