Giving Compass' Take:

• Author and Solutions Journalism co-founder Courtney Martin lists six organizations led by women of color that she feels are worthy of funding in the New Year.

• From helping single black mothers in Mississippi to supporting domestic workers, there is a wide range of causes represented here. Potential funders can use this as a starting point for their due diligence.

• Read more about the new coalition promoting more women of color in tech.

Looking for an organization with a badass woman of color in leadership who is doing amazing things in fresh-thinking, dignity-restoring ways? Just as I thought. Here are just a few of the organizations my partner and I are donating to as we close out 2018. Join us?

Girl Trek: Every interaction I’ve had with leaders Morgan and Vanessa have convinced me that these two are not only joyful, beautiful friends and collaborators, but have impeccable integrity and laser focus on their very clear goal: to get 100,000 black women walking and change their health, and our nation, in the process.

Springboard to Opportunities: I worked with Aisha Nyandoro on a TED-style talk years ago and her voice, her story, and her vision have been on my mind ever since. Now she’s making history by doing one of the first basic income pilots of its kind in the U.S.  —  with single, black mothers in Mississippi. This is THE year to jump on the Springboard train. They are going places.

Thousand Currents: I love everything about how this organization not only does grant making, but communicates about what they do. They are trailblazers in honoring the way real change actually happens  —  ala Adrienne Maree Brown’s Emergent Strategy rather than BHAGs and the like. If you’re looking for a global opportunity to have a real impact with deep respect for those with the expertise to actually make change in their communities, this is the way to go.

Read the full article about women-of-color led organizations where your philanthropic money will matter by Courtney Martin at