
Achieving Equity: Do We Know Who We’re Serving?

Host Organization: PEAK Grantmaking


Grantmakers occupy a powerful space between power and privilege in the social change sector. As such, they have a unique opportunity—and responsibility—to work proactively toward equity and inclusivity. Increasingly, grantmaking institutions are challenging themselves to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk, when it comes to equity.

Drawing from PEAK Grantmaking's research on grantmaker values and our collaborative April 2018 workshop, Walking the Talk, this workshop will dive into implementing values-based practice for organizations that have embraced the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

For philanthropy to advance equity in all communities, especially low-income communities and communities of color, it needs to be able to understand the demographics of the organizations being funded (and declined), the people being served, and the communities impacted. That data should be used to assess practices and drive decision making.

Less than half of grantmakers collect demographic data, and there are many myths and barriers that prevent this data collection. More work is needed to help both grantmakers and nonprofits understand the importance of demographic data in assessing outcomes.


The four questions all grantmakers should ask in collaboration with grantseekers and grantees: what demographic data should be collected; how should it be collected; how should it be interpreted; and how should it be used in their work?
The myths and barriers that keep grantmakers and nonprofits from collecting and acting on this information
How to “make the case” at your own organization for improving or implementing demographic data collection
Participants will have the opportunity to workshop some tools to help guide your organization's change management process.

Melissa Sines, Effective Practices Program Manager, PEAK Grantmaking

Designed for
All interested funders.

2:15 - 2:30 PM  Check-in
2:30 - 5:00 PM  Program

Registration is required by November 26th 

Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above.

Guests of PEAK Grantmaking : Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with your name, title, organizational affiliation, business mailing address, and phone number.  Please indicate by which organizer you were invited. (no fee)

Non-Member Funders: Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org. ($150 fee)

Please note: To ensure fairness among our members, we reserve the right to limit the number of attendees per organization for select professional development programs.

Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with any questions.

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