
Effectively Serving Immigrant and Dual Language Learner Families through Home Visiting Programs

Host Organization: Migration Policy Institute


Home visiting, a two-generation program model that serves young children alongside parents and caretakers to promote their healthy physical, socioemotional, and cognitive development, has the potential to promote improved outcomes for children and families alike.

Young children of immigrants and Dual Language Learners (DLLs), who make up one in four and nearly one in three young children in the United States, respectively, are important targets for home visiting programs as they are disproportionately more likely to face risk factors such as poverty and low parental education levels.

Join this webinar marking the release of a new Migration Policy Institute (MPI) policy brief that explores program and policy opportunities to improve home visiting services for immigrant and DLL families currently under participating in these programs due to a lack of culturally and linguistically responsive programming and other barriers. Speakers will provide an overview of the home visiting services landscape in the United States and discuss promising strategies to build effective partnerships with immigrant parents to support their young children’s school readiness and success. Speakers will also discuss opportunities for states to expand the participation of immigrant and DLL families in home visiting services.

This webinar is at 1pm EST*

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