
Ending the Criminalization of Youth in Schools

Host Organization: Youth Transition Funders Group


YJWG will be joined by staff and grantee partners of the Communities for Just Schools Fund to learn about their work to end harsh and punitive school discipline practices and policies, including responses from law enforcement, that unfairly and disproportionately impact students of color.

The Communities for Just Schools Fund is a national donor collaborative with over a dozen contributing members, bringing together the resources of philanthropy with the power of grassroots organizing to ensure that all schools welcome students and nurture their full potential.

This session provides an opportunity to continue our learning on the topics of community organizing and youth-police relations. And for those of you already familiar with the Communities for Just Schools Fund, this is a perfect time to hear an update, as they recently completed a new strategic plan, Education Anew.

Email Carrie Rae Boatman [carrierae@ytfg.org] to RSVP and receive access instructions.

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