
Full Cost Project Workshop: Asking For And Funding Full Costs

Host Organization: Nonprofit Finance Fund


This two-day workshop led by Nonprofit Finance Fund (two days of 6 hours of content + breaks and lunch) is geared toward those at nonprofits and funders who would be implementing full cost practices within their respective organizations. Content is based around a case study organization that we will follow through our two days together. Participants will learn to analyze financial statements to understand a nonprofit organization’s business model and capital structure – essential components for determining full cost for an organization. In interactive activities, funder and nonprofit staff will work together to arrive at their full cost assessment for the case study organization. Activities are designed to switch up roles, with all participants acting as the case study organization’s executive director at one point, and as their funder at another point. The workshop will conclude with participants making a full cost funding request for the case study organization, and practicing due diligence questions as the funder considering the request.

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