Platforms like GlobalGiving were designed to be open. Everyone is welcome... until they’re not. Platform leaders today are facing serious dilemmas about who’s on, who’s off, who we partner with, and who gets promoted.
Join GlobalGiving and our peers to find out how more than 100 people affected by ethical dilemmas at nonprofits, foundations, and technology and fundraising platforms worked collaboratively to develop Ethos: a philosophy and how-to guide for addressing dilemmas. Hear why and how we got to a solution, learn how your organization can benefit from your peers’ learning, and get the first public peek at the Ethos tools.
Speakers include Alix Guerrier, CEO of GlobalGiving, Alison Carlman, Director of Evidence and Learning at GlobalGiving, Jacob Harold, Executive Vice President of Candid, Michael Thatcher, President & CEO of Charity Navigator, Theresa Filipovic, Head of Customer Care and Fundraising Advice at in Germany, Eli MacLaren, GlobalGiving’s Designer in Residence, and Mahathi Kumar, Assistant Project Manager at PSYDEH, a Mexican nonprofit featured on GlobalGiving.
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