
Great Funder Nonprofit Relationships Washington DC

Host Organization: Exponent Philanthropy, National Council of Nonprofits, Center for Nonprofit Advancement & Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers


In collaboration with the National Council of Nonprofits, the Center for Nonprofit Advancement, and Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, Exponent Philanthropy invites you to join nonprofits and funders alike for a half-day of facilitated programming dedicated to helping everyone build better working relationships and increase the impact of their work.

Attendees can expect an interview-style program elevating a model funder-grantee relationship and separate breakout programming for both funders and nonprofits to share tips, model feedback loops, and provide practical guidance for each audience on the steps they can take to influence the relationship.

We encourage you to share information about this program with funders and nonprofits you think might benefit.

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