
Keep Families Together Rally

Host Organization: Global Citizen


Standing up for what is right is a phenomenon that has swept cultures around the world in recent months and years. Protests in Nicaragua have forced the government to reinstate social security policies. Activists of all ages in India outraged at a lack of justice for rape victims have helped usher in laws that protect girls and women. Student marches and walkouts in the US are forcing tough conversations that lawmakers haven’t had the courage to have in decades.

And right now there are approximately 2,053 children who’ve been taken from their mother or father, sometimes sent hundreds of thousands of miles across the country. And while the US government has said it will stop this practice, there are still thousands of families that need to be reunited.

Those children need a voice and we need you to stand us with us and speak for them.

Please join Global Citizen at the Keep Families Together rally at 10:30am, this Saturday, June 30, in Foley Square (at the fountain) in New York City, to stand up for families who have been separated after they migrated into the US at the southern border. Check in once you arrive for a special reward.

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