Philanthropy California and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project invite you to join us for a monthly webinar series for funders. Each month, we’ll explore each of the six trust-based principles that, when practiced together, help alleviate power imbalance in the sector. Each webinar will explore the nuts and bolts of putting the principles to practice, while offering opportunities for peer learning and reflection.
In the third of our seven-part series, we’ll explore simplifying and streamlining paperwork. A trust-based approach recognizes that nonprofit staff spend an inordinate amount of time on funder-driven paperwork, and they will ultimately be more effective if they are freed up to concentrate on mission. How can funders be more aware of how burdensome their paperwork processes may be? And what are some alternate ways we can redesign our applications and reporting processes to free up our own time and even give us a deeper sense of learning and insight? And what considerations should we take if we are planning to switch to verbal reports or to accept proposals written for other funders? In this webinar, we’ll hear from philanthropic practitioners as they discuss the nuts and bolts of simplifying and streamlining paperwork, what they’re learning as a result of embracing this principle, and some strategies you may consider to make incremental shifts toward more streamlined paperwork.
This webinar is co-hosted by Philanthropy California and is open to everyone.
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