Next year - 2018 - brings us a Governor’s race, some hotly contested California congressional seats, and half a dozen ballot measures already in circulation, with many more to come. In addition, many of us Californians are paying more attention right now to matters in Washington, D.C. than we have in the past. Issues being debated in Washington range from healthcare and immigration to national monuments and LGBT rights, not to mention what (if any) federal monies will come California’s way in infrastructure funds, block grants, and housing.
Where should nonprofits and philanthropy focus our attention, with so much going on? What are some of the trends to pay attention to, and where can we make a difference? How will this impact our work in our communities? And what can we learn from past big election years to prepare us for this one?
And perhaps most importantly what are the most critical scenarios for philanthropy and nonprofits to plan for? And what would it mean to plan for them?
This California Policy Forum brings together three outspoken and knowledgeable speakers: California State Assemblymember Monique Limón, Chair of the new Assembly Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector; Laurel Rosenhall, reporter at; and Dr. Raphael Sonenshein, Executive Director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs at CSU Los Angeles.
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