
A Fund, Inc

Host Organization: A Fund Incmdi-circle-small Louisville, KY, US mdi-circle-small


A Fund, Inc. is the oldest abortion fund in KY. Since 1993, we have been helping to pay for abortions for women who want to terminate unwanted or medically risky pregnancies but who lack the means to pay for abortion. There is now only one abortion clinic in the state and abortions are expensive. For many years, we helped about 200 women a year; last fiscal year, we helped more than 600, at the Kentucky clinic and at clinics in surrounding states. This year, we will aid about 700 women — our ability to help women in crisis is limited only by the number of dollars you give.

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About the Host

Provide financial assistance to women and children in crises needing to terminate pregnancies, occasionally provide lodging expense, provide transportation and translators for patients.

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